I don’t encourage yogis to focus and concentrate too much energy on one object. If the mind focuses on one object, it cannot know many things. The mind cannot be fast.
So, just relax and be aware (i.e. light awareness) – make this a habit. This awareness can know many objects; only then, you can practice in daily activities.
Many yogis start with concentration practice – this has become a habit. Why do yogis use so much energy? They want to make the mind stronger. But strength comes from maintaining the awareness over a long time, not from forcing. It is the nature of the mind to grow stronger from continued application.
When the awareness becomes stronger, naturally it can receive more objects, it can know more things.
It is the nature of the mind to arise and pass away, but each mind leaves the energy to the next mind. So, if any mind is allowed to repeat – good mind or bad mind – naturally this quality increases.
So, what is important is to maintain the awareness continuously – then naturally awareness will grow slowly; no need to force. Remember that what is important is to maintain the awareness over a long time.