When we bring in these modes of right view – basically thinking about the fundamental nature of something, when we think about this truth and it rings true for us – at that moment it settles the mind.
And when it settles the mind, the aversion, delusion and greed we might have towards the moment will fall away because we can feel the truth in the right view, the intellectual idea that we have brought in.
And the right view I would like yogis to have is that these bodily and mental processes are the processes of nature – they have their own nature, they’re manifesting their own nature and they’re showing their nature to us; and that is something for us to learn from or learn about instead of taking it personally.
If we can tap into that truth, we can think ‘Oh, it is just nature! The mind thinks like this!’ and not buy into the story ‘Why is this happening to me? Why am I thinking like this?’
If we can accept that, in that moment we can find our mind not struggling so much with what we’re observing.