Yogi: I feel very nervous to speak in English and I could feel my heart beating all day long and the thought ‘what would I say’ repeating. I hate it because I can’t be calm.
So, there’s strong aversion towards the excitement and the shame to share it. The effect is that I hide it and I don’t explore the nervousness.
Is this worrying only another object because it feels like a big hindrance? And, how do I practice?
Sayadaw: Yes, the excitement is just another object.
A lot of the times in our lives, we worry ahead about things but the worrying won’t get the things done. But we can’t help it because worrying just comes up in the mind.
We have to see this connection again and again that we worry about something, but in the end we have to do what we have to do and the worrying doesn’t have any connection to our success in doing it.
When we see this many, many times, we’ll start to see that the worrying is just an extra burden – it is just an activity of the mind now because the mind has not enough wisdom and no control over.
When we see that connection long enough, then the mind will drop the worrying and not do it anymore.
That’s a principle that is very useful in life because it’s everywhere.