Yogi: How do we live with despairing about the condition of the world in general? I’m aware of it – should I be glad?
Sayadaw: When I say to be happy when you’re aware, the awareness is of the sense objects which the mind can contact directly. In the mind, it is recognizing thinking and feelings, not the story but just the fact that the mind is thinking and feeling. The same goes for the 5 physical sense doors.
The awareness only comes into contact with the 6 sense objects, and a meditator’s awareness is knowing the mind and body for what it is.
For example, when you know that a car is passing by, is that a meditator’s awareness?
Anybody would know that, and dogs as well. What then is the difference between a meditator’s awareness and an ordinary one?
The yogi is aware of the sense contacts – aware that seeing has happened and hearing has happened. The yogi has felt something and the direct awareness of these contacts is the meditator’s awareness.