Yogi: A deep sadness arises during meditation and I know why I’m sad.
Sayadaw: We often think that the external reason – something that happens in our life – makes us sad, but we don’t recognize the internal reason.
When we consider something to be sad – when the mind has decided that this is a sad event or situation – that’s what makes the mind sad. It’s how the mind views something that gives it emotion.
So, if you think that something shouldn’t be the way it is, you will be angry. If you think ‘I wonder if this will happen and I don’t want that to happen’, you will feel anxiety or worry.
So, it’s how the mind thinks that will create the emotion.
In fact, no external event makes this mind sad or happy. It’s what the mind thinks of what is happening that makes this mind happy or sad.
When we don’t see the entire process, from the way we think to the way we feel, then we think that what is happening outside is what makes us feel this way.
When it comes to emotions – whether sadness, worry, anxiety, or anger – it is very important to not only recognize the feelings but also the thoughts. Then we see that when the thoughts are happening one way, so too the feelings. When the thoughts are different, the feelings are different too. We then start to see the direct connection between how thoughts influence our emotions.