The yogi saw the greed and stinginess, all these are important to recognize because they are natural to the mind.
So often we recognize what is happening in the mind but we misinterpret it. Instead of seeing it as ‘Oh, the mind is like this; the mind is doing this. When it does this, this is the consequence’ – instead of seeing that process, we miss the message. We identify with the mind instead of seeing it objectively as different mind nature at work.
The mind is talking to us; it’s showing us its nature but we fail to read the messages because of wrong view – the moment we think with wrong view, ‘Oh, why is my mind bad’.
If the mind has the right attitude, then the mind can learn something from that whole process, just seeing that when there is greed, this is the result; then, it can just see the flow and process of the mind at work.