When some thoughts arise, there are associated feelings. Pay more attention to the feelings. Feelings are more obvious – they have no meaning (doesn’t involve thinking). You stay with the feeling; don’t stay with the thoughts.
If you’re aware of the feeling, then you can know that there is a thought. That’s enough. When you notice that there’s a thought – that’s enough. It means that you’re already aware of the thought.
Sometimes you get lost when you look at the thought, right? So, just knowing that there is a thought, it’s enough. It means that awareness is already there. So, stay with the more obvious object – physical sensation or feeling.
Feelings and thoughts are more obvious when we’re aware of the mind. When you practice again and again, slowly the mind knows how to be aware of mental states – the mind.
It’s easier to get lost in thoughts; so, better to stay with the feelings. You can know the intensity of feelings – either strong or weak.