| Shwe Oo Min Dhammasukha Tawya 2018 Vassa Q&A File: 02 - Monks 07292018 (06:20-8:11)

Yogi: When we close our eyes, it appears that there’s more thinking.

Sayadaw: When you close your eyes, the mind is freer to think. When we open our eyes, the mind is busy looking, and we think less. But actually thinking is already there.

Another reason is that when we close our eyes, we know the thinking mind better. 

When we open our eyes, the mind is also thinking but we’re looking and seeing, and we don’t notice the thinking mind. When we close our eyes, the mind door is more obvious.

When we open our eyes, both mind door and eye door are happening; but when we close our eyes, the mind door is more obvious.

Open our eyes, the mind also thinks – whatever the mind sees, it is thinking about what is seen.