Now we are practising satipatthana meditation, we are watching ourselves (mind and body processes). If you can watch and handle your defilements, then external things like ghosts will not be a problem.
If your awareness, samadhi and wisdom are increasing, the wholesome quality will do their job. Because of the wholesome quality, the mind is peaceful and there is understanding; the mind can accept anything – so, there’s no problem anymore.
External things are not the problems; defilements are the problems.
Yogi: But when the ghost attacks, the mind is interrupted / disturbed and cannot practice.
Sayadaw: The mind nature has its own process – only happening and gone. Nobody can interrupt the mind. The mind process is happening; it is a natural process.
Whatever you see or feel, use it as an object and try to be aware. Don’t pay attention to the external concept – pay attention to your six sense doors and use feeling and sensation as objects.