Swiss Retreat 2019 Interviews 3 (11:15-14:01) with Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Sayadaw: Touch your fingers – are the touching and the knowing of the touching separate?
Yogi: Yes.
Sayadaw: So, you know the touching and you also know the knowing of the touching.
Yogi: I should try to stay on the knowing side?
Sayadaw: Ok. But if you know the knowing, you already know what it knows; so, knowing the knowing doesn’t mean you don’t know the touching.
When you know the knowing, touching is already known.
Touching is very clear – all of you can feel the touching sensation, right? First, you pay attention to the touching – now you don’t pay attention to the touching and do you know the knowing?
When there is touching, there is knowing of the touching; when there is no touching, there is no knowing of the touching, right?