When there is any sense experience, the mind already says something.
This is true all the time, and from that one thought about the sense experience, there is a chain of thought processes that leads to something else; and often we’re not aware of this.
Usually, our level of awareness is such that when we see a person and the next thing you know is that you’re angry. So, this person makes me angry.
But what we don’t see is the chain of little things that happens in our own mind – so, there is this object and what does the mind say of this object. And, what is the interaction, the feeling, the chain of events in the mind, that leads to the angry thinking.
When we don’t see that, it is just 2 things for us – seeing a person and getting angry. So, we make a wrong judgment – we believe that this person makes us angry whereas there is a process that leads to anger. And, that process is not that person.