IMS Retreat 2012 Q&A Group B#1 (00:45-04:22)

Yogi: When the mind notices that awareness is lost, what should it do before getting back to being aware?

Sayadaw: It’s important to notice that you’ve drifted off, that thinking mind is happening. Take a moment to recognize that and continue to be aware of any object.

Yogi: Do I need to label it?

Sayadaw: Labeling is not important. You already know it; do you need to name it? Whenever you notice thinking mind, it is a good practice to acknowledge thinking mind. But, you don’t stay with the thinking mind because you can get drawn into the story.

So, you acknowledge thinking and then alternate it with something more grounding like your body sensation or breath. This allows you to be familiar with thinking mind rather than the story of your thoughts.

Once you can do that, you can recognize thinking mind and not get sucked into the story.