IMS Retreat 2012 Q&A Group B#1 (05:16-09:40)

Yogi: I can be aware of physical objects as they progress but with thoughts, as soon as I’m aware of them, they stop. It’s as if the mind cannot think and be aware of thoughts at the same time.

Sayadaw: This happens with gross thoughts – there are layers of thinking; at the subtler levels, there are thoughts that are working continuously. You might be planning something important which can go on in the background of your mind all the time.

There are thoughts that direct everything we do. Even in awareness, you’re thinking about being aware and therefore you’re aware. And the mind thinks about what to do next, and you do the next thing.

The mind might be commenting about experiences; and that’s another layer of subtle thoughts.

Naming your experience and deciding what to do next are non-stop subtle thoughts.

Yogi: Yes, these are different thoughts. When I’m aware of specific thoughts, am I supposed to continue to be aware of them without them stopping?

Sayadaw: There are 2 possibilities. The thoughts are not important and when you notice them, they stop; and, if they are important, they will continue even when you’re aware of them.

Second, there is too much energy or focus on the thoughts – when you zoom in on them, they get blocked out.