Penang Nov 2019 Retreat Condensed Guided Meditation (1:04:17-1:05:45)

Awareness is recognizing what is happening at the 6 sense doors, recognizing the 6 sense objects in the present moment. If you are watching the 6 objects (noticing that seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, body sensing, thinking, or feeling is happening), that’s awareness.

Sometimes the experience is defilement (greed, anger or delusion) – it is unpleasant or suffering, but the meditating mind can remain calm and stable. (Elsewhere: The awareness is valuable, the experience is not.)

What is important is that samadhi is with the meditating mind. If the meditating mind has samadhi, moment to moment, then samadhi increases in the mind.

The most important mind is the meditating mind. Awareness is recognizing what is happening at the 6 sense doors, recognizing the 6 sense objects in the present moment. If you are watching the 6 objects (noticing that seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, body sensing, thinking, or feeling is happening), that’s awareness.

Sometimes the experience is defilement (greed, anger or delusion) – it is unpleasant or suffering, but the meditating mind can remain calm and stable. (Elsewhere: The awareness is valuable, the experience is not.)

What is important is that samadhi is with the meditating mind. If the meditating mind has samadhi, moment to moment, then samadhi increases in the mind.

The most important mind is the meditating mind.