Yogi: When I step on a cold floor, unpleasant feeling arises
Sayadaw: It is unpleasant because of your idea, your judgment. You think it is unpleasant because you don’t like the cold sensation. If you like it, it becomes pleasant.
It is the judgment/thinking that you need to acknowledge.
The experiences through the 6 sense doors are always happening and different minds arise depending on how the mind thinks about the objects. The process is: we sense the object, think about the object, and depending on whether right view or wrong view comes, then different processes follow. If right view comes, defilement does not arise, if wrong view comes, defilement exaggerates the experience.
The physical objects are only our 5 sense contacts, but they kick off many more mental processes. (Touching the floor is a physical process, but it initiates more happenings in the mind.)
Sense the object, think about the object and feel the object – as much as you can try to see the process of the mind.