Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary Retreat Zoom Q&A Group B 12 January 2023 (31:47-35:25)

Yogi: Lately, my meditation has not been satisfying. I tried to watch but there was a big aversion. There was aversion in the mind, aversion in the attitude and aversion everywhere.

Usually what I do is stop meditating or just walk and continue to walk. When the mind settles down, I can proceed. Is that okay?

Sayadaw: That’s what you need to do.

Yogi: Sometimes I cannot separate the watching mind and the attitude when both have dosa; and I get totally confused when the mind notices so many things..

Sayadaw: It’s like a principle that if the bad feeling is escalating, stop everything. At that time, the mind is too involved and the right thing is to stop trying.