The meaning of object is being known. There are only 6 reality objects – sight, sound, smell, taste, body sensation and mind activity.
Simply recognizing these 6 objects is awareness.
Every time we are mindful, it means that the 5 spiritual qualities of mind are working – awareness, stability of mind, effort, faith and wisdom.
We need to understand that every time we are mindful, these 5 qualities are working.
Mindfulness is not only focusing and paying attention but awareness, stability of mind, effort, faith and wisdom working together.
Awareness means that it recognizes the object or mind. Effort means being aware moment to moment to maintain the awareness again and again. Stability of mind is a settled mind arising from right view, right thought, and right attitude. Faith is confidence in the practice, or in what you’re doing, or confidence in yourself.
Wisdom is right view, right thought, right idea; thinking about nature and that there’s nobody there. The nature of wisdom is also seeing the process in detail, seeing the process with interest.