Yogi: When we watch emotions, we should see them as dhamma nature, not “my” emotions, right?
Sayadaw: Yes, but the mind doesn’t understand it very well yet. We can only use it at the intellectual level.
We don’t understand dhamma nature deeply, but we can still think and accept it superficially. If you can apply that much is good enough.
You need to watch and learn more to deepen your understanding of dhamma nature.
In the meantime, when emotions arise, you can think that everyone has emotions, not only you. It is a natural process – then, as much as you can, be aware of the emotion. Just know that the emotion is happening.
Now you can feel the emotion, right? Continue knowing like that. Staying with emotion continuously is awareness. Later, there may be some realization about the emotion.
Yogi: The anger can calm down this way?
Sayadaw: No, we’re not trying to calm down. If wisdom doesn’t arise, the emotion will not calm down.
Just try to be aware of the emotion is enough. Whether the emotion calms down or not is not the yogi’s responsibility.
As much as you can, try to face the emotion; if the emotion increases and you cannot maintain the awareness, then you should change to a neutral object. When the mind calms down, you then go back to watching the emotion. Do like this, okay?