| USA Maui Retreat 2016 11/16 Opening Instructions (47:54-49:12)

Whenever you can, be with your awareness if you remember that you’re being aware. When you can’t, go back to being aware of your 6 senses. Whenever you notice that you’re being aware, appreciate and acknowledge that awareness is the one that is doing the work that is helping you to be in touch with your 6 senses.

When you’re not able to tune into that, it’s fine because it’s still working; it has become like our glasses which we can’t see – usually we see what we see through the glasses. So, when we’re seeing through the glasses, that’s fine; and once in a while we notice the glasses, that’s good too.

When we are able to see the glasses, when we know the awareness, it means that we have the full picture – we know what we’re in touch with; we know whether we’re seeing, hearing or touching or feeling or thinking, and we also know that we’re aware of it.