Shwe Oo Min Dhammasukha Tawya 2019 Vassa Q&A 20190831
Sayadaw: When there’s defilement, you have to choose an object. You cannot do open awareness because the mind is not in the right mood.
When the mind is calm and the awareness is good, you can practice open awareness.
Now that there is defilement, you need to choose an important object.
Yogi: I can stay with the fear when I’m sick – it makes me feel better.
Sayadaw: That’s not a problem – you don’t have to watch many objects. You take care of the important object first.
You need to watch a particular object and make the mind calm down first.
Sometimes the mind quality goes down when there’s sickness. And when you have the wrong idea, it makes the practice even more difficult.
At that time, you take care of your attitude and the defilement.