Liking and disliking were strong before – now lobha and dosa energy has become weaker and weaker. Previously, the mind was strong because the defilement energy was powerful.
The mind appears weaker and weaker now because defilement nature is reduced. The bad quality of mind has weakened and the mind is not too interested or excited about the world.
This is a totally new experience for the yogi, and she thinks that she has become depressed. Depressed means not interested in anything. Depression and disenchantment with the world are a little similar but different. Disenchantment is not dosa.
If the yogi doesn’t know, they can be mistaken and go the wrong way. You can check – if the defilement energy reduces, the wholesome quality of mind must increase. You can compare in this way.
If there is also disinterest in the practice and the wholesome mind decreases, then something is wrong. You may be disinterested in worldly things, but you are still interested in the practice because the wholesome mind is increasing and saddha is there.