Shwe Oo Min Dhammasukha Tawya 2019 Vassa Q&A 20190810

Yogi: The mind gets bored watching the awareness; it moves to the object or shuts down because the mind thinks that it’s always the same awareness.

Sayadaw: Check the boredom – what is the mind bored with?

Also, the mind doesn’t understand the value of awareness. That is why the mind is bored.

Take care of the bored mind first – awareness is not important at that time.

Yogi: The mind says it is always the same awareness.

Sayadaw: If you think that something is old, the mind becomes bored.

If you know the mind, the mind is always changing. If you really know the knowing mind, it is always changing – it is always new.

If you think that it is old, then it becomes a concept. Boredom arises because of this wrong idea.

Yogi: I have the intellectual knowledge, but it still doesn’t work.

Sayadaw: If you see that the awareness is not changing, then come back to the physical object and the awareness, watching them back and forth. Also, thinking that the awareness is old is not the right attitude.


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