For me, I watch the mind all the time because I want to know what makes the mind suffer.
I don’t want to get rid of suffering; I want to understand why the mind suffers. Because of this understanding, you’ll then be free from suffering.
The motivation to observe is wanting to understand. Even if you don’t have this motivation now, slowly the mind will be more interested as it understands the value of the practice.
This one question gets me interested to practice all the time because the mind really wants to know.
Second, try to be aware of your mind state (in the present moment) all the time. What is the mind aware of? What is happening in the mind? If you’re interested in the mind process, the mind will then want to be aware, to watch the process.
Third, you need to understand the value of awareness. Understanding the value of awareness will increase your confidence in being aware.
Check how you feel when awareness is present and when it is absent. If you check repeatedly, slowly the mind will understand the value of awareness. At that time, the confidence in the practice, in the Dhamma, will increase and the practice will become a habit.